100 Years Ago

NEWS FROM 100 YEARS AGO : 21 June 1924

21 JUNE 1924

It was reported that George Mallory and Andrew Irvine had died during their attempt to summit Mount Everest.

Herbert Asquith inaugurated the new Liberal campaign in Scotland by addressing a meeting in the Usher Hall, Edinburgh. Their business, he said, was to make clear to the electorate at the General Election, which could not long be delayed, the fundamental differences which divided Liberalism from both its competitors. Protection and Socialism, he said, led alike to sectional predominance. He added that he had never seen the Liberal Party in a more healthy situation.

A crisis began in the building trade, with the national employers at a conference in London deciding to withdraw all offers of wages increases primarily to the strike of operatives in Liverpool. A national lock-out was called from 5 July.