100 Years Ago

NEWS FROM 100 YEARS AGO : 18 January 1923

18 JANUARY 1923

The French Government said that they didn’t plan to extend their military intervention into Germany following the taking of the city of Dortmund the previous day. They said that they wanted economic reparations as had been promised in the Treaty of Versailles.

The French, Belgian and Italian Governments issued a joint statement confirming that they were intending to benefit financially from the German state forests on the left bank of the Rhine.

Arthur Henderson won the by-election held in Newcastle East which had been called following the death of the Labour MP Joseph Nicholas Bell. The result was:

Labour : Arthur Henderson | 11,066 | 45.7%
Liberal : Harry Barnes | 6,682 | 27.6%
Conservative : Robert Gee | 6,480 | 26.7%

The previous result at the 1922 General Election had been a Labour gain from the Liberals:

Labour : Joseph Nicholas Bell | 10,084 | 43.1%
Liberal : Harry Barnes | 6,999 | 30.0%
National Liberal : Gilbert Stone | 6,273 | 26.9%

Majority 3,085 13.1