
Johnny Mercer – 2022 Open Letter From the Minister for Veterans’ Affairs on Independent Inquiry into Afghanistan

The open letter sent by Johnny Mercer, the Ministers for Veterans’ Affairs, on 15 December 2022.

Today, the Ministry of Defence announced a statutory inquiry to investigate and report on alleged unlawful activity by British Armed Forces during deliberate detention operations in Afghanistan in the period mid-2010 to mid-2013, and the adequacy of subsequent investigations into such allegations. Lord Justice Charles Haddon-Cave has been appointed to lead the independent inquiry.

As Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, I am aware of the impact of this news. I have worked hard over many years to ensure that the Government learns from the past when it comes to dealing with our Veterans during these types of investigations, and there is now a formal network of support available to all those affected by this inquiry.

Any veteran called up by the inquiry will be contacted by the Ministry of Defence in due course and full legal and pastoral support will be provided to you. Further information on the inquiry and how it will proceed can be found here: Independent inquiry into alleged unlawful activity by British Armed Forces during deliberate detention operations in Afghanistan

If you require any wellbeing support in the meantime, help is also available. You should reach out to:

All these pathways have received specific direction and advice on how to deal with requests for support arising from this announcement. I know that Ministers across Government share my profound gratitude to all those who served with great bravery and distinction in Afghanistan.