
Helen Jones – 2014 Parliamentary Question to the Home Office

The below Parliamentary question was asked by Helen Jones on 2014-06-25.

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, what steps she is taking to encourage more rape victims to report that crime to the police and to ensure that they are treated appropriately when they do so.

Norman Baker

Rape and sexual violence are devastating and unacceptable crimes. The
Coalition Government’s continued approach to tackling such violence and abuse
is set out in our Violence against Women and Girls Action Plan, updated in
March 2014. Supporting victims is at the heart of this approach, which
includes giving victims more confidence to report crimes, and it is encouraging
that police recorded crime figures show more victims are having the confidence
to come forward.

We want every report of rape to be treated seriously from the point of
disclosure, every victim to be treated with dignity and every investigation and
every prosecution to be conducted thoroughly and professionally.

We have ring-fenced funding for 87 Independent Sexual Violence Advisers to
provide appropriate and independent support for victims.

We have supported the publication of data on rape for every police force in the
country as a basis for improving recording and investigations of rape and
ensure that guidance on investigating and prosecuting rape is implemented in
every police force area. Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary is
inspecting the recording of rape as part of a wider crime recording audit, and
the police and Crown Prosecution Service have published a joint action plan to
improve how these cases are handled within the criminal justice system.