
Emma Lewell-Buck – 2014 Parliamentary Question to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office

The below Parliamentary question was asked by Emma Lewell-Buck on 2014-06-24.

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, what proportion of (a) disabled and (b) all other staff employed by his Department received each level of performance rating in their end of year performance assessment for 2013-14.

Hugh Robertson

The 2014 validation process for staff performance ratings is not yet complete for 2013/14.

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) takes seriously its obligations to collect diversity data as required by the Equality Act 2010. Information about the diversity and makeup of our staff is listed in the FCO’s Diversity and Equality Report.

All staff have been asked to provide personal disability data to be held anonymously. We continue to encourage increased declaration by staff as current declaration rates are below the level necessary to give meaningful statistical information. I will write to the hon Member (and place a copy of the letter in the library of the House) when the validation process is complete to answer her question.