Press Releases

PRESS RELEASE : Ukraine became a candidate for EU membership, Georgia is on this path – address by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to the participants of the “Home, to Europe” rally in Tbilisi

The press release issued by the President of Ukraine on 25 June 2022.

Gamarjоba saqаrtvelo!

I would like everyone to hear me today. We are free people and free countries! And this is forever.

I am grateful to the sons of Georgia who are fighting against Russia together with our warriors. Their exploits are our common exploits. Their wounds are our wounds. And our victory will be the victory of each of them, each of you!

We will never give up, because Donbas and Crimea are our land just as Abkhazia and South Ossetia are your land. And even if someone wants to forget about it, if someone wants to erase it, we will definitely remind them of it. We will stand by you!

Yesterday, Ukraine became a candidate for EU membership. You are on this path. Act! We will help you!

Ukraina da saqartvelo ertad, mudam! dideba saqartvelos! dideba ukrainas!

And even if my Georgian was not perfect now, my thoughts are pure.

I wish you success!

Glory to Ukraine!