Press Releases

PRESS RELEASE : Labour’s Bovine TB eradication commitment questioned [November 2022]

The press release issued by the Welsh Conservatives on 22 November 2022.

The Welsh Conservatives have questioned the Labour Government’s commitment to tackling bovine TB, as no plans are in place for the annual TB eradication programme update.

The issue was raised by Shadow Rural Affairs Minister Samuel Kurtz MS in the Senedd today:

“Bovine TB has been a continuous negative thread throughout Welsh agriculture over the last decade or so causing immense pain and heartache to the farmers of Wales.

“With the Royal Welsh Winter Fair next week, today would have been a good opportunity to bring this annual statement to the floor of this chamber so we as members and the wider farming community can scrutinise you and your government’s record on TB eradication.”

Following the Minister’s response, Mr Kurtz said outside the chamber:

“I have concerns that the Welsh Government are content with their current TB eradication strategy, offering Welsh farmers no hope in Wales becoming officially TB free.

“While the annual statement may just be a brief overview of the past 12 months by the Government, if gives us Senedd Members and the farming community an opportunity to scrutinise the policy and try to offer solutions to help our farming community.

“Whilst I understand that some officials will have been busy with the avian flu outbreak, this should not mean that bovine TB takes a back seat, Welsh agriculture would never stand for that.

“I think everyone concerned will be disappointed not to get that statement by Christmas, given 2023 will see significant changes to Welsh agriculture with the passage of the Agriculture Bill and implementation of damaging NVZ regulations.”

Minister Lesley Griffiths last delivered a statement on the Bovine TB eradication strategy in November last year. No annual statement was made in 2020. Before then it was April 2019 and October 2017 before that.