Press Releases

PRESS RELEASE : Dillon writes to Lady Chief Justice about remarks in Tyrone sexual assault case [October 2022]

The press release issued by Sinn Fein on 12 October 2022.

Sinn Féin MLA Linda Dillon has made a formal complaint to the Lady Chief Justice, following remarks made by a Judge during a sexual assault hearing.

The Mid-Ulster MLA said:

“I have made a formal complaint to the Lady Chief Justice, following remarks made by a judge during a sexual assault hearing.

“The comments, encouraging the defendant to go out and “find a wife or partner and get a family and a home together” and the refusal to ban him from contacting women online are simply astonishing.

“Especially when the defendant has so many previous offences, and there has been an acknowledgement of a recent escalation in his offending.

“Rehabilitation is an important aspect of the criminal justice system, however, it is vital that the judiciary are trained to be aware of the many layers of men’s violence against women and girls.

“The criminal justice system must play their part in eradicating harmful myths and attitudes about domestic abuse and sexual assault.”