Press Releases

PRESS RELEASE : Andriy Yermak spoke with American director Bryan Fogel who plans to make a film about the war in Ukraine

The press release issued by the President of Ukraine on 26 August 2022.

Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Andriy Yermak had a video call with American director, screenwriter and producer Bryan Fogel.

His film “Icarus”, which tells the story of the relationship between an amateur cyclist and the head of the Moscow anti-doping laboratory Grigory Rodchenkov against the background of an international scandal caused by information about mass doping abuse in Russian sports, won the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature in 2018.

Andriy Yermak emphasized that today it is extremely important to keep the focus of the world’s attention on what is happening in Ukraine, and the help of such artists as Bryan Fogel will contribute to this.

According to him, the current terrible war, which Russia unleashed against Ukraine, became at the same time the beginning of a new era, new politics, new alliances.

The Head of the President’s Office noted that the Ukrainians are a nation that will be a symbol of heroism for many years to come, as – albeit with the support of other countries – for six months, they have been standing virtually alone with dignity and determination against one of the largest armies in the world.

“And we will continue to fight because we are defending our people, our land and our country,” he said.

The Head of the President’s Office is convinced that Bryan Fogel should definitely show Ukrainians to the world, as they are exceptional people, intelligent, educated, humane, and they are the future of this world.

For his part, Bryan Fogel expressed support for Ukraine and its people.

He noted that he would like to make a large-scale film about the current events in our country, which would remain for ages.