100 Years Ago

NEWS FROM 100 YEARS AGO : 28 January 1923

28 JANUARY 1923

The media reported that the French were about to cut off the Ruhr region from the rest of Germany following their occupation of the area. The French had successfully taken control of the region, but their army had been attacked by mobs in two German towns. The British confirmed that their Rhine army would stay in place for the time being although the Cabinet did discuss their withdrawal.

It was feared in Berlin that a coup might take place led by Hitler’s troops in Munich to overthrow the King and replace him with Rupprecht, Crown Prince of Bavaria.

The visit of Stanley Baldwin, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, to the United States to discuss the war loans owed by Britain failed to reach an early resolution. Baldwin wanted to pay an interest rate of around 2.5% on the debt of £856 million, whereas the Americans had said a higher rate of around 3% would be necessary to be accepted by Congress.