Royal FamilySpeeches

John Major – 2022 Statement Following the Death of HM Queen Elizabeth II

The statement made by Sir John Major, the Prime Minister between 1990 and 1997, on 8 September 2022.

For 70 years Her Majesty The Queen devoted her life to the service of our nation and its wellbeing.

In her public duties she was selfless and wise, with a wonderful generosity of spirit.  That is how she lived – and how she led.

For millions of people – across the Commonwealth and the wider world – she embodied the heart and soul of our nation, and was admired and respected around the globe.

At this moment of deep sadness, I believe we all stand hand in hand with the Royal Family as they grieve the loss of one so loved.

For we have all lost someone very precious to us and, as we mourn, we should be grateful that we were blessed with such an example of duty and leadership for so very many years.