
Ian Houlder – 2022 Comments on Matt Hancock Going on I’m a Celebrity

The comments made by Ian Houlder, the Conservative Councillor for Barrow in the constituency of Matt Hancock, on 2 November 2022.

I am actually almost speechless that he’s our MP. It’s a large constituency, it’s got its own problems like every other constituency and he should be here looking after them quite frankly. I don’t know how much they get paid for doing it [appearing on I’m a Celebrity], but it would appear that as the Prime Minister blanked him when he was getting the validation from the faithful that he thought ‘I might as well take the money’. If he’s the person you’ve got to look up to as an MP, he’s a damn awful role model. He’s letting his colleagues down throughout Parliament, it doesn’t matter which party you belong to, if this is what people think of their representative and how they behave. It’s not just what he did as a Minister of the Crown, there was a massive amount of hypocrisy telling us what to do whilst he was doing completely the opposite. He resigned eventually as the Health Minister, but no way was he going to resign as the MP, and in various guises, he’s a Mr Action Men, swimming in the Serpentine and other stunts.