
Gemma Bolton – 2022 NEC Candidate Statement

The candidate statement from Gemma Bolton.

Candidate Statement

I’m standing for re-election to Labour’s NEC to continue to fight for a socialist and democratic party which upholds the rulebook, decisions of its annual conference, and puts members and working people at its core.

To win, Labour must fight for a socialist policy agenda in opposition to Conservative attacks on our jobs, health, shared values and living standards. We must oppose Tory austerity; support public ownership; a Green New Deal; a peace-oriented, independent foreign policy and fight rising poverty and racism.

As an NEC member I have:

– Worked to create new democratic Student and BAME structures
– Produced detailed written reports of NEC meetings
– Voted to return the whip to Jeremy Corbyn
– Campaigned for the publication of the Forde Report
– Opposed unfair proscriptions and expulsions
– Opposed rule changes that weaken members’ rights

I have fought for democracy and a greater voice for grassroots members at all levels of our party, including on the South East Regional Executive, Women’s Conference Arrangements Committee, and as co-Chair of the Campaign for Labour Party Democracy (CLPD).

I’m proudly endorsed by the Centre-Left Grassroots Alliance (CLGA) including CLPD and Momentum. Please support the other CLGA endorsed candidates.