Robert Jenrick – 2016 Parliamentary Question to the Department for Education
The below Parliamentary question was asked by Robert Jenrick on 2016-01-06.
To ask the Secretary of State for Education, what the average level of funding per pupil in secondary schools in Newark constituency has been in each year since 2010.
Mr Sam Gyimah
Funding from the Department is primarily allocated at a local authority level, in this case the Nottinghamshire local authority. Since the introduction of the dedicated schools grant (DSG) in 2006-07, figures are no longer available to be shown split by phase of education.
Figures for financial years 2010 to 2013 are shown below in cash terms:
Average revenue per pupil funding (£) |
2010-11 |
2011-12 |
2012-13 |
Nottinghamshire LA |
4,810 |
4,750 |
4,750 |
Per pupil figures use DSG allocations plus other schools related grants, e.g. school standards grant, school standards grant (personalisation), standards fund, and pupils aged 3-15, rounded to the nearest £10. Most of the additional grants were mainstreamed into DSG in 2011-12.
The changes to DSG funding in financial year 2013-14 with funding allocated through three blocks, namely schools, early years and high needs, means there is no longer a comparable overall figure with previous years. The table below shows the DSG schools block unit funding figures in cash terms for Nottinghamshire LA.
DSG schools block per pupil funding (£) |
2013-2014 |
2014-2015 |
2015-2016 |
2016-2017 |
Nottinghamshire LA |
4,351 |
4,351 |
4,352 |
4,355 |
Since 2011-12, schools have received the Pupil Premium which targets funding at pupils from the most deprived backgrounds to help them achieve their full potential. In 2011-12, the premium was allocated for each pupil known to be eligible for Free School Meals, looked after children and children of parents in the armed services. In 2012-13 coverage was expanded to include pupils known to have been eligible for Free School Meals at any point in the last six years. The amounts per pupil amounts for each type of pupil are shown in following table in cash terms:
Pupil Premium per pupil (£) |
2011-2012 |
2012-2013 |
2013-2014 |
2014-2015 |
2015-2016 |
Free School Meal Pupil Primary |
£488 |
£623 |
£953 |
£1323 |
£1320 |
Free School Meal Pupil Secondary |
£488 |
£623 |
£900 |
£935 |
£935 |
Service Children |
£200 |
£250 |
£300 |
£300 |
£300 |
Looked After Children |
£488 |
£623 |
£900 |
£1900* |
£1900* |
*Also includes children adopted from care
Total Pupil Premium allocations for Nottinghamshire local authority and schools in the Newark constituency for each year are shown in the following table in cash terms:
Pupil Premium Allocations (£ millions) |
2011-2012 |
2012-2013 |
2013-2014 |
2014-2015 |
2015-16 (prov.) |
Nottinghamshire LA |
7.380 |
14.710 |
22.903 |
30.420 |
30.163 |
Newark constituency |
0.678 |
1.404 |
2.203 |
2.899 |
2.815 |
Figures for Newark exclude the looked after children element as this is not available at a parliamentary constituency level.