Press Releases

PRESS RELEASE : Fire Brigades Union strike ballot opens [December 2022]

The press release issued by the FBU on 5 December 2022.

A strike ballot for firefighters and control staff opens today Monday 5th December.

Firefighters and control staff are being balloted on potential strike action on a “derisory” 5% pay offer. That pay offer had recently been rejected by FBU members in a consultative ballot by 79% on a 78% turnout.

Annual CPI inflation currently stands at 11.1%.

Due to restrictive anti-trade union laws the ballot will be a postal ballot only.

Matt Wrack, Fire Brigades Union general secretary, said:

“Strike action will always be a last resort. But we are running out of options. Many firefighters and control staff are desperate. Some are struggling to afford for they and their families to live. It is a dreadful and very serious state of affairs. We are doing everything we can to secure a decent offer. We have held talks with and written letters to many different parties. But no such pay offer has been forthcoming.

“It is the responsibility of fire service employers and governments to pay their staff properly. That is part of their responsibility of running the fire and rescue service. We look forward to receiving a pay offer from them that addresses the cost of living crisis firefighters and control staff are living through. We have been mandated by our members to fight for pay that they can live on and will do that.”

If a national strike were to take place, it would be the first national strike since pension action between 2013 and 2015 (which did not include control), and the first on pay since 2002-2003.

The ballot closes on 30 January, but members are encouraged to send their ballots now due to the impacts of strikes in Royal Mail.