100 Years Ago

NEWS FROM 100 YEARS AGO : 8 May 1924

8 MAY 1924

Replying to Lord Raglan in the House of Lords, the Under Secretary for the Colonies said that the insinuation contained in the question that there was a Zionist Tyranny in Palestine was unfounded.

Addressing a Liberal gathering at Chelmsford, Herbert Asquith emphasised that he had no regrets for having put the Socialist Government, and defined the lines along which that Government was forced to go if it did no wish to lose the Liberal support.

Winston Churchill, speaking at Liverpool, described the present Government as a vast monument of sham and humbug. He proposed not to bring division to the Conservative party, but to return to the arrangement by which it was reinforced with a Liberal wing co-operating in whatever might be found most useful in the national interest.