
Michael Gove – 2013 Comments on the Teaching Schools Initiative

The comments made by Michael Gove, the then Secretary of State for Education, on 10 July 2013.

The teaching schools initiative plays a key role in the government’s plans for a school-led system, with schools freed from the constraints of central government direction, and teachers and schools placed firmly at the heart of school improvement.

I am committed to supporting this country’s education system to become an autonomous one, where the best schools lead the way in teaching teachers and where schools work together in partnership – supporting one another to provide an outstanding education for all.

That is precisely why I am eager for independent schools to become leaders of teaching schools.

I believe strongly that every child should have an education of the highest quality and I urge all independent schools to get involved, to apply for teaching school designation, and to become key players in leading this country’s school system now and in the future.