Press Releases

HISTORIC PRESS RELEASE : Gordon Brown’s message on the Pre-Budget Report [December 2009]

The press release issued by 10 Downing Street on 9 December 2009.

Today’s Pre-Budget Report shows the Government is committed to growth and supporting families and frontline services, the Prime Minister has said.

In a message following the Chancellor’s speech to the House of Commons today, Gordon Brown said Government’s priorities were to secure economic recovery, halve the deficit and protect the services people rely on.

He added that the Pre-Budget Report had also sent a clear message to the banks about the consequences of paying big cash bonuses.

The PM said:

“Today we set out our three-point plan for Britain’s future. Our priorities are securing the recovery and going for growth; making the tough choices necessary to halve the deficit in four years; and putting frontline services first.

“All the measures are underpinned by our core values – those values we share with you – of fairness and responsibility. Our actions so far have helped keep you in your jobs and homes, protected your savings and kept many small businesses afloat. And we have prevented recession turning to depression.

“But the recovery is still fragile and so we will continue our support until it is secured – to do otherwise would be reckless and dangerous. And as we emerge from recession, we will make sure we lock in economic growth by giving businesses room to flourish and by investing in new green technologies to make the most of the enormous potential of a low carbon economy.

“Strong growth will be vital to getting the public finances back in shape. But on its own it won’t be enough to meet our commitment, which we are enshrining in law, to halve the deficit in four years. That will mean fair taxes – and by fair we mean that those most able to pay will pay the most – ruthless efficiencies by Whitehall, and tough decisions to make cuts to some budgets and scrap some programmes no longer needed. But I assure you that all along we will protect schools, Sure Start centres, and frontline NHS and policing – those essential services which we all pay for and all need at times.

“The global economic crisis, which began with a catastrophic failure in the banking sector, has hit many hard through no fault of their own. So today was also important because we sent a clear message to the banks: that if they insist on paying big cash bonuses there will be consequences.

“The biggest risk for Britain is a decade of austerity – of limited growth, limited employment and limited opportunity. The Pre-Budget Report shows that we are a government committed to growth, living within our means and at all times supporting you, your families and those services on which you rely.”