
Emily Thornberry – 2016 Parliamentary Question to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office

The below Parliamentary question was asked by Emily Thornberry on 2016-03-14.

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, what financial contribution his Department has made to each of the 16 UN peacekeeping operations which are underway.

James Duddridge

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office pays the United Kingdom’s assessed financial contributions to 16 United Nations peacekeeping operations. These payments are mandatory under the United Nations Charter. The United Nations apportions the UK’s share of contributions in accordance with United Nations General Assembly resolutions that determine the annual budget for each peacekeeping operations and the ‘Scale of Assessments’, which sets every United Nations member state’s percentage share of the United Nations Peacekeeping Budget. At present, the United Kingdom pays 5.8% of the cost of each mission, with the exception of the United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan and the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization. These missions are funded from the United Nations Regular Budget, to which the United Kingdom currently contributes 4.5% of costs.

The table below provides the total budget and United Kingdom contribution to the 16 United Nations peacekeeping operations currently operational for financial year 2015/16:

Name of Peacekeeping Operation

Total PKO budget in FY2015/16 (UK contribution) in £ millions

United Nations Mission for
the Referendum in Western Sahara

38.5 (2.0)

United Nations Multidimensional Integrated
Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic

571.6 (31.8)

United Nations Multidimensional
Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali

668.5 (37.5)

United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti

305.3 (15.5)

United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

1001.3 (54.4)

African Union/United Nations Hybrid operation in Darfur

812.9 (39.9)

United Nations Disengagement Observer Force

40.7 (2.2)

United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus

40.1 (1.2)

United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon

376.8 (20.9)

United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei

208.9 (8.7)

United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo

30.3 (1.4)

United Nations Mission in Liberia

271.8 (14.1)

United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan

793.9 (43.0)

United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan

6.9 (0.3)

United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire

316.5 (16.2)

United Nations Truce Supervision Organization

24.6 (1.2)