News Story

NEWS FROM 100 YEARS AGO : 24 December 1923

24 DECEMBER 1923

Speaking in Elgin, Ramsay MacDonald said he had got his suspicion that between 5 and 8 January there was going to be a serious attempt to wangle the constitution so that the democracy of this country might not have fair play. All he could say was that those people who imagined they could wangle the constitution of Parliamentary government when it suited them or disuited them were very much mistaken.

Raymond Poincaré, the Prime Minister of France, speaking in Courneuve, said the country would never leave the Ruhr until she was paid.

Ballot papers were drawn up by the National Executive of the Associated Locomotive Engineers and Firemen. It is understood that members will vote on the direct issue of acceptance or rejection of the National Wages Board’s award.