100 Years Ago

NEWS FROM 100 YEARS AGO : 18 October 1923

18 OCTOBER 1923

In a speech delivered in Simla, Lord Reading issued a solemn warning to any who might enter the Legislative Assembly for the purpose of wrecking the constitution. As to withdrawal from the Empire Exhibition, India only, he said, would be the sufferer. The boycott of British goods, moreover, would absolutely fail in its intended effect and not advance India’s cause.

Sir Halford Mackinder addressed the Imperial Economic Conference with regard to the work of the Imperial Shipping Committee. He referred to the air, sea and land project for shortening the Australian passage by about one week.

Speaking in Colchester, the Secretary of State for Air gave a speech regarding the proposed expansion of the Air Force.

Howard Carter and his assistants arrived at Luxor in order to begin preparations for the resumption of work on Tutankhamen’s tomb.