CoronavirusForeign AffairsSpeeches

Nick Thomas-Symonds – 2020 Comments on Quarantine Measures from France and the Netherlands

The comments made by Nick Thomas-Symonds, the Shadow Home Secretary, on 13 August 2020.

While we support evidence based measures at the border, it’s vital that the Government has a joined-up strategy, and recognises the impact of this on travel-related businesses. It is vital that a sector-specific deal is put in place urgently.

That the Government has still not put in place an effective track, trace and isolate system has made matters far worse and made it more likely that we are reliant on the blunt tool of 14-day quarantine.

The Government should publish all of the scientific evidence its decisions are based on and details of any work being done to reduce the time needed to isolate through increased testing and other measures.